By infobae
With winds of between 100 and 150 kilometers per hour, trees fell, blocking routes and crushing vehicles in the fields. It also caused the roofs of silos and warehouses to be blown off in much of the Pampa Humeda. The breakdown of power lines in rural areas
The strong rain and wind storm recorded on Saturday night, with extreme gusts and hail, caused multiple inconveniences in rural establishments in the provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa and Cordoba, with trees falling on roads or vehicles, destroying trucks or agricultural equipment and, in some cases, with heavy stones from pieces of ice larger than chicken eggs, in addition to multiple blowing off of roofs and even the collapse of large buildings used for work in the field.
In Bahia Blanca, very strong gusts of up to 200 kilometers per hour (km/h) were recorded, but also in the west of Buenos Aires, in Trenque Lauquen, the winds reached 100 km/h, which caused trees to fall on routes in rural areas.
Ignacio Kovarsky, secretary of the Confederation of Rural Associations of Buenos Aires and La Pampa (Carbap), assured that they received “reports of abundant rain throughout the province of Buenos Aires, and also in La Pampa, where very heavy hail was recorded.” big. They tell us that the strong wind passed in a strip between Trenque Lauquen from northeast to southeast.”
“On Saturday afternoon, there was a first storm in Bahia Blanca, and then another one passed that started at 9 p.m., with the wind that passed in the direction we mentioned. This caused plants to fall on the roads and in the fields. Many trees and light poles also fell and sheds were blown up. In Trenque Lauquen we had winds of 100 km/h. and in Bahia Blanca, 150 km/h,” said Kovasky.
Raul Vitores, a producer from the San Pedro area of Buenos Aires, confirmed “multiple damage” due to the storm in the River Delta area: “We saw a lot of significant damage in the rural area. In Santa Lucia, on Route 191, on the way to Arrecifes, the storm destroyed a very large warehouse belonging to an important company. Trees fell, they were uprooted. In general, the storm was very strong, with a volume of water falling between 40 and 70 millimeters.”
Hailstorm in Cordoba, La Pampa and San Luis
In rural towns of Cordoba, San Luis and La Pampa, large hail fell. Specifically, in the center and southeast of Cordoba, stones and rainfall of more than 100 millimeters were recorded.
Meteorologist Mario Navarro, from Cordoba, informed Infobae that “the most complicated places with hail and wind storms were in the southeast of Sampacho, in the south of Cordoba and on the border with La Pampa, from Huinca Renanco to Vicuna Mackenna. Also in the Pincen area, in the department of General Roca, we had heavy rains, of 100 millimeters, with hail falling.”
In fields southeast of La Pampa, north of the Colorado River, a strong storm of wind, water and hail was recorded this weekend, with stones larger than a chicken egg. This was confirmed by stallholders from rural establishments such as Don Felix, in the town of Puelen, known as Colonia Veinticinco de Mayo.
As confirmed by Carbap directors, some tornadoes were also recorded, with a storm that caused the Colorado River to flood, which overflowed over some fields.
The drama of southern Buenos Aires
Guillermo Irastorza, producer and agricultural advisor in the Pringles area, told this medium that “this storm ended the drought in the southern area of Buenos Aires. In the Bahia Blanca area it rained an average of about 75 millimeters, the equivalent of the amount of water that fell in the last eight months. But beyond the blessing that the water was for the fields, the strong winds caused a disaster.”
“In fields near Pringles, near Route 51 and 76, the wind overturned irrigation equipment, twisted silos, broke trees, overturned the huts where people sleep in the field, and blew the roof off of us. pig farms. In the Comandante Espora area, winds of up to 200 kilometers per hour were recorded. “The wind was terrible.”
Agustin Gallego, an agricultural producer, also stated that in plots near Bahia Banca, in General Cerri, “it was very bad because of the sleeves of water (or whirlwinds) that were recorded,” and commented that in fields in Coronel Rosales there was a drop in more than 35 millimeters of rain.
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